we have been reading a book about mr.worst and talking about it.
Friday, December 20, 2013
WAH best friend poem for Ania Shin Be and Mia
Best Friends are angels, who lift us up when we believe our wings have forgotten to fly.
left to right mia ania shin be me

left to right mia ania shin be me
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
All about me
THIS IS WHO I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
WAH perodic table!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka the elements
- Hydrogen
- Helium
- Lithium
- Beryllium
- Boron
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Fluorine
- Neon
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Aluminum
- Silicon
- Phosphorus
- Sulfur
- Chlorine
- Argon
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Scandium
- Titanium
- Vanadium
- Chromium
- Manganese
- Iron
- Cobalt
- Nickel
- Copper
- Zinc
- Gallium
- Germanium
- Arsenic
- Selenium
- Selenium
- Krypton
- Rubidium
- Strontium
- Yttrium
- Zirconium
- Niobium
- Molybdenum
- Technetium
- Ruthenium
- Rhodium
- Palladium
- Silver
- Cadmium
- Indium
- Tin
- Antimony
- Tellurium
- Iodine
- Xenon
- Cesium
- Barium
- Lanthanum
- Cerium
- Praseodymium
- Neodymium
- Promethium
- Samarium
- Europium
- Gadolinium
- Terbium
- Dysprosium
- Holmium
- Erbium
- Thulium
- Ytterbium
- Lutetium
- Hafnium
- Tantalum
- Tungsten
- Rhenium
- Rhenium
- Iridium
- Platinum
- Gold
- Mercury
- Thallium
- Lead
- Bismuth
- Polonium
- Astatine
- Radon
- Francium
- Radium
- Actinium
- Thorium
- Protactinium
- Uranium
- Neptunium
- Neptunium
- Americium
- Curium
- Berkelium
- Californium
- Einsteinium
- Fermium
- Mendelevium
- Nobelium
- Lawrencium
- Rutherfordium
- Dubnium
- Seaborgium
- Bohrium
- Hassium
- Meitnerium
YayYYYYYYYYY i have finished all 109 peodic table names
Friday, December 13, 2013
WAH Friday December 13, The Story of Piper, The Girl that got kidnapped
I never really thought that this would happen to me. The girl named Piper. I was just a regular kid despising the fact that had a billionaire as a father. Well what happened was a little story. It was pretty black night with the stars shining and the city lights on. I was walking home from school. I decided to take the long and pretty and long way home since I would see the city lights. I got to the corner of a street and it was really quiet no cars at all.. But then a guy came up to me and asked if I wanted a chocolate. I was rather hungry and I had nothing so I thought a piece of chocolate wouldn't hurt. It was a piece of chocolate nothing could happen. We are going back to reality I just wanna say I regret eating the chocolate. Hey you are ruining my story so Be Quiet Piper. Now back to the story. I took the chocolate and opened the wrapper slowly waiting for the deliciousness of the chocolate in my mouth. But right when I put in my mouth I don't really know what happened I woke in the back car tied up. The car stopped at a building that I think was abandoned. That took me in. Then I finally recognized the guy that kidnapped me it was the guy who gave me the chocolate!!!!!! Oh no I thought I should of remembered never take things from strangers. You don not who they are. The kidnappers fed and kept hostage they told that my had to give them a lot of money to get me back. On the third I was kept hostage I went through the windows to escape. I had finally escaped. I saw a bunch of posters plastered to the walls with my face!!! I got closer to one a and saw the print on it.
Have you seen this girl? If you have please call the following number.
248 590 4567
I checked in my pockets for money. I had a few dollars just enough to make me a one good phone call. I quickly ran to the nearest pay phone. Inserted the money and dialed in the number. When the phone was answered I told them who I was and where I was. The police told me that they would come in 5 minutes just try to stay put and only move if you see someone coming towards you. They came in less than 5 minutes and returned me to my parents. I would never forget this moment of my life and I will make sure this will never happen again. That is the story of me, Piper the girl that got kidnapped
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
today we have been working on arguments. we have also finished battle bunny. today we have not been at the library incs p
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thanksgiving poem
I am thankful for food for which it gives me a full stomach every day.
I am thankful for a roof to stay under for which it keeps me dry and warm.
I am thankful for my family for which they are caring and loving towards me.
I am thankful for clothes for which it keeps me warm.
I am thankful for friends for which they always help out.
I am thankful for school for which gives me a step forward to being a doctor everyday.
I am thankful for books which give me a magical journey everyday.
I am thankful for my teachers which they give me knowledge.
I am thankful for electronics which give me a way to do homework.
I am thankful for a bed which gives me a place to sleep in everyday.
I am thankful for a pen and paper inch gives me a way to write.
I am thankful for life which gives me all this stuff.
I am thankful for a car it takes me places.
I am thankful for world it gives a piece of land to stay on.
I am thankful for a room it gives me place to my stuff in.
I am thankful for a roof to stay under for which it keeps me dry and warm.
I am thankful for my family for which they are caring and loving towards me.
I am thankful for clothes for which it keeps me warm.
I am thankful for friends for which they always help out.
I am thankful for school for which gives me a step forward to being a doctor everyday.
I am thankful for books which give me a magical journey everyday.
I am thankful for my teachers which they give me knowledge.
I am thankful for electronics which give me a way to do homework.
I am thankful for a bed which gives me a place to sleep in everyday.
I am thankful for a pen and paper inch gives me a way to write.
I am thankful for life which gives me all this stuff.
I am thankful for a car it takes me places.
I am thankful for world it gives a piece of land to stay on.
I am thankful for a room it gives me place to my stuff in.
Monday, November 18, 2013
published piece, performance piece
I was
drowning in lava all that heat surrounding me. Well at least I felt I
like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's
car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat, but
turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door
we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down.
But sadly the door was locked and we did not, and I repeat did not have
the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the
door faster than Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and
Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done
relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to
the room ! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me
or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to
tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my
heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front
of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was
just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going
to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe
we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said OK this
surprise could wait for some time. Oh, you are never going to show me I
thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet
so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost
done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk
and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a
board or go to the park and fly her kite or something. So far not well
maybe just maybe if I talk about Charlotte maybe she would forget about
that scary door. It worked, but I was in for a surprise. When Ava's mom
found out that we were talking about Charlotte she got out her phone
and asked us if we wanted to video chat with Charlotte . We both looked
at each other. I knew what I was going to say . It was like I sent the
worlds first brain message. Ava's mom said sure but you have to finish
your lunch first. Then she handed me her phone and said that I talked
Charlotte while I am waiting for Ava to finish. I looked at her with my
eyes wide open and grabbed the phone. I talked furiously me and
Charlotte had a lot of catching up to do in our friendship. Ava was done
video chatting with Charlotte and we caught up and we finally said
bye. Then finally Ava's mom ruined the what thought was going to but
turned out good surprise. She said Ava honey did you show your friend
your bunny, if want to know where I moved it is in your room. "Mom you
ruined the surprise" so me and Ave went upstairs she should me the bunny
she said her name was Angel. I said OK and Ava let me pat her and feed
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I was drowning in lava all that heat surrounding me. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat, but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not, and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster than Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room ! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said OK this surprise could wait for some time. Oh, you are never going to show me I thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a board or go to the park and fly her kite or something. So far not well maybe just maybe if I talk about Charlotte maybe she would forget about that scary door. It worked, but I was in for a surprise. When Ava's mom found out that we were talking about Charlotte she got out her phone and asked us if we wanted to video chat with Charlotte . We both looked at each other. I knew what I was going to say . It was like I sent the worlds first brain message. Ava's mom said sure but you have to finish your lunch first. Then she handed me her phone and said that I talked Charlotte while I am waiting for Ava to finish. I looked at her with my eyes wide open and grabbed the phone. I talked furiously me and Charlotte had a lot of catching up to do in our friendship. Ava was done video chatting with Charlotte and we caught up and we finally said bye. Then finally Ava's mom ruined the what thought was going to but turned out good surprise. She said Ava honey did you show your friend your bunny, if want to know where I moved it is in your room. "Mom you ruined the surprise" so me and Ave went upstairs she should me the bunny she said her name was Angel. I said OK and Ava let me pat her and feed her. After that I saw that she got a kite it was in the playroom just sitting there untouched, Waiting there to catch dust. I asked Ava maybe we should go fly your kite. She said NO. So I went to go ask her mom and told her how untouched it was since X-MAS. Mrs.Lepage was surprised she never noticed it was that old. So she called Ava and told her we were going to the park she said NO. Then Ava gave her a look and said OK well if you do not want ice-cream at least I can save money. When Ava heard the word ice-cream, and she said OK let's go to the park. She was super fast she got her flats and got to the car as fast as her might could take her.When I got to the car she already turned the radio, had her seat belt on and got the garage door opened. Whoa that girl is fast I said after I got buckled up and Ava's mom came. Ava's mom drove us all the way to the park and set up the kite it was an alien ship we saw other kids with homemade kites flying too. Ava got hurt so we stopped and put away the kite neatly in the box and played on the swings. We got ten minutes until it was ice cream time. When it was ice cream time Ava got tiny bits and I got Oreo delight. We were done, eating ice cream we went to the ATM machine to get money for the care package we were going to send Charlotte. First we went to the mall and we went to target first to pick out a card and we picked this funny one we found that would make her happy after we picked a toy and also a treat for her. Ava wanted to stay a little longer and show me the kittens a t pet smart. We went home and made the care package. Ava said she would send it soon as possible. We were getting bored so we played the card game called grandma. Ava won then we made bracelets while watching T.V and petting her bunny. Then my mom came to get me and I said bye to Ava.
Posted by Nicole Reddy at 3:08 PM No comments: 

Monday, November 11, 2013
I was drowning in lava all that heat surrounding me. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat, but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not, and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster than Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room ! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said OK this surprise could wait for some time. Oh, you are never going to show me I thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a board or go to the park and fly her kite or something. So far not well maybe just maybe if I talk about Charlotte maybe she would forget about that scary door. It worked, but I was in for a surprise. When Ava's mom found out that we were talking about Charlotte she got out her phone and asked us if we wanted to video chat with Charlotte . We both looked at each other. I knew what I was going to say . It was like I sent the worlds first brain message. Ava's mom said sure but you have to finish your lunch first. Then she handed me her phone and said that I talked Charlotte while I am waiting for Ava to finish. I looked at her with my eyes wide open and grabbed the phone. I talked furiously me and Charlotte had a lot of catching up to do in our friendship. Ava was done video chatting with Charlotte and we caught up and we finally said bye. Then finally Ava's mom ruined the what thought was going to but turned out good surprise. She said Ava honey did you show your friend your bunny, if want to know where I moved it is in your room. "Mom you ruined the surprise" so me and Ave went upstairs she should me the bunny she said her name was Angel. I said OK and Ava let me pat her and feed her. After that I saw that she got a kite it was in the playroom just sitting there untouched, Waiting there to catch dust. I asked Ava maybe we should go fly your kite. She said NO. So I went to go ask her mom and told her how untouched it was since X-MAS. Mrs.Lepage was surprised she never noticed it was that old. So she called Ava and told her we were going to the park she said NO. Then Ava gave her a look and said OK well if you do not want ice-cream at least I can save money. When Ava heard the word ice-cream, and she said OK let's go to the park. She was super fast she got her flats and got to the car as fast as her might could take her.When I got to the car she already turned the radio, had her seat belt on and got the garage door opened. Whoa that girl is fast I said after I got buckled up and Ava's mom came. Ava's mom drove us all the way to the park and set up the kite it was an alien ship we saw other kids with homemade kites flying too. Ava got hurt so we stopped and put away the kite neatly in the box and played on the swings. We got ten minutes until it was ice cream time. When it was ice cream time Ava got tiny bits and I got Oreo delight. We were done, eating ice cream we went to the ATM machine to get money for the care package we were going to send Charlotte. First we went to the mall and we went to target first to pick out a card and we picked this funny one we found that would make her happy after we picked a toy and also a treat for her. Ava wanted to stay a little longer and show me the kittens a t pet smart. We went home and made the care package. Ava said she would send it soon as possible. We were getting bored so we played the card game called grandma. Ava won then we made bracelets while watching T.V and petting her bunny. Then my mom came to get me and I said bye to Ava.
Posted by Nicole Reddy at 3:08 PM No comments: 

Friday, November 8, 2013
almost done revising story last on repetion of words
I was drowning in lava all that heat surrounding me. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat, but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not, and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster than Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room ! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said OK this surprise could wait for some time. Oh, you are never going to show me I thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a board or go to the park and fly her kite or something. So far not well maybe just maybe if I talk about Charlotte maybe she would forget about that scary door. It worked, but I was in for a surprise. When Ava's mom found out that we were talking about Charlotte she got out her phone and asked us if we wanted to video chat with Charlotte . We both looked at each other. I knew what I was going to say . It was like I sent the worlds first brain message. Ava's mom said sure but you have to finish your lunch first. Then she handed me her phone and said that I talked Charlotte while I am waiting for Ava to finish. I looked at her with my eyes wide open and grabbed the phone. I talked furiously me and Charlotte had a lot of catching up to do in our friendship. Ava was done video chatting with Charlotte and we caught up and we finally said bye. Then finally Ava's mom ruined the what thought was going to but turned out good surprise. She said Ava honey did you show your friend your bunny, if want to know where I moved it is in your room. "Mom you ruined the surprise" so me and Ave went upstairs she should me the bunny she said her name was Angel. I said OK and Ava let me pat her and feed her. After that I saw that she got a kite it was in the playroom just sitting there untouched, Waiting there to catch dust. I asked Ava maybe we should go fly your kite. She said NO. So I went to go ask her mom and told her how untouched it was since X-MAS. Mrs.Lepage was surprised she never noticed it was that old. So she called Ava and told her we were going to the park she said NO. Then Ava gave her a look and said OK well if you do not want ice-cream at least I can save money. When Ava heard the word ice-cream, and she said OK let's go to the park. She was super fast she got her flats and got to the car as fast as her might could take her.When I got to the car she already turned the radio, had her seat belt on and got the garage door opened. Whoa that girl is fast I said after I got buckled up and Ava's mom came. Ava's mom drove us all the way to the park and set up the kite it was an alien ship we saw other kids with homemade kites flying too. Ava got hurt so we stopped and put away the kite neatly in the box and played on the swings. We got ten minutes until it was ice cream time. When it was ice cream time Ava got tiny bits and I got Oreo delight. We were done, eating ice cream we went to the ATM machine to get money for the care package we were going to send Charlotte. First we went to the mall and we went to target first to pick out a card and we picked this funny one we found that would make her happy after we picked a toy and also a treat for her. Ava wanted to stay a little longer and show me the kittens a t pet smart. We went home and made the care package. Ava said she would send it soon as possible. We were getting bored so we played the card game called grandma. Ava won then we made bracelets while watching T.V and petting her bunny. Then my mom came to get me and I said bye to Ava.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Behind you a story about an evil bunny
I was drowning in lava. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster then Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room dun dun dun! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said OK this surprise could wait for some time. Oh you are never going to show me I thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a board or go to the park and fly her kite or something. So far not well . Maybe just maybe if I talk about Charlotte maybe she would forget about about that scary door. It worked but I was in for a surprise. When Ava's mom found out that we were talking about Charlotte she got out her phone and asked us if we wanted to Skype with Charlotte . We both looked at each other and I was going to say are and it was like a sent the worlds first brain message because in my head heard yeah I totally do I heard I little tiny voice in that brain of mine! Ava's mom said sure but you have to finish your lunch first. Then she handed me her phone and said that I could text Charlotte while I am waiting for Ava to finish. I looked at her with my eyes wide open and grabbed the phone. I texted furiously me and Charlotte had a lot of catching up to do in our friendship. Ava was done we skped Charlotte and we caught up and we finally said bye. Then finally Ava's mom ruined the what thought was going to but turned out good surprise. She said Ava honey did you show Niyathi your bunny, if want to know where I moved it is in your room. Mom you ruined the surprise. Me and Ave went upstairs she should me the bunny she said her name was Angel I said OK and Ava let me pat her and feed her. After that I saw that she got kite it was in the playroom just sitting there untouched, Waiting there to catch dust. I asked Ava maybe we should go fly your kite. She said NO. So I went to go ask her mom and told her how untouched it was since X-MAS. Mrs.Lepage was surprised she never noticed it was that old. So she called Ava and told her we were going to the park she said NO. Then Ava gave her a look and said OK well if you do not want ice-cream at least I can save money. when Ava heard the word ice-cream and she said OK let's go to the park and she was super fast she got her flats and got to the car as fast as her might could take her.When I got to the car she already turned the radio, had her seat belt on and got the garage door opened. Whoa that girl is fast I said. We drived all the way to park and set up the kite it was an alien ship we saw other kids with homemade kites flying too. Ava got hurt so we stopped and put away the kite neatly in the box and played on the swings. We got ten minutes until it was ice cream time. When it was ice cream time Ava go itty bits and I got Oreo delight. We were done eating ice cream t get money for the care package we were going to send Charlotte. First we went to mall and we went inside target first out card and this funny one we found that would make her happy after we picked a toy and also a treat for her. Ava wanted to stay a little longer and show me the kittens a t pet smart. We went home made the care package. Ava said she would send it soon as possible. we were getting bored so we played the card game called grandma. Ava won then we made bracelets while watching T.V and petting her bunny. Then my mom came to pick me up and I said bye to Ava.
behind you a story about a evil bunny
I was drowning in lava. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster then Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room dun dun dun! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said ok this surprise could wait for some time. Oh you are never going to show me I thought.When we went downstairs Ava's mom said Ava had not had lunch yet so Ava had to eat lunch. My heart was thumping again Ava was almost done with her lunch. I had to get her talking I thought maybe if I talk and she talks she will suddenly forget about the room and we would play a board or go to the park and fly her kiteor something.
Friday, November 1, 2013
💃🌕 Halloween
Ugh I said when are we going to hit a piñata I thought . I was really depressed that we were going to hit piñatas later and after everyone else hit there piñatas . Well at least we are going to hit a piñatas. Some people are not even hitting piñatas I thought as I was waiting my turn.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
I was drowning in lava. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster then Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room dun dun dun! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now. So I told her maybe we should go have snack and ice cold pink lemonade. She said ok this surprise could wait for some time. Oh you are never going to show me I thought.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I was drowning in lava. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster then Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room dun dun dun! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me. She said we were getting closer and closer as we got closer my heart started beating harder and harder. Then when we got right In front of the room I told Ava that maybe we should go to the room last. I was just thinking if I did not want to be killed or whatever Ava was going to do to me I would rather do that later then now.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Behind You !
I was drowning in lava. Well at least I felt I like I was drowning in lava. Me and my friend were melting in her mom's car. When we got out of the car we tried to saunter in the heat but turned to be more of trudging. When we got the front door we wanted really badly to go in the air-conditioned house and lay down. But sadly the door was locked and we did not and I repeat did not have the key. It was kind of amazing that we trudged and we still got to the door faster then Ava's mom! When she finally came to the door me and Ava ran through and sat in the humongous king chair. After we were done relaxing and also stopping to moan like zombies. Ava finally took me to the room dun dun dun! I was wondering what was this room was she going to kill me or was she going to just show me something and just does not want to tell me
Thursday, October 17, 2013
talking with Joey Nowak
The most important thing that has happened when Joey talked was when he answered my question about what way he writes because to me it felt really awesome that he answered my question.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Visit to Ambrutha
I was about to blast. My brother was reding his book. My mom was driving the car to my best friends house. I was looking outside smiling immensley. I could'nt wait until we fot there my mom's friend over and my friend was her daughter.my brother was friends with her sister. Me and my friend were so excited to see each other. It's been such a long time since we even saw each other. We were going to stay until dinner. When we got there the first thing that we did was go downstairs to see the creepy doll. We all make scary ghost stories me and my friend made 4 spooky doll stories. They were all a series . We always go outside too ride bikes. Before we went outside we played inside for 20 min. We also ate soe indian snacks and ice cream. When we went outside the first game we played invisble tag. Me and my friend were on one side and my brother and my friends little sister were on one side.Me and won in every game. We also played played monkey in the middle my brother was in the middle of he triangle. When we played normal tag we saw my friends and went to say high. When we got there we saw my friends other friends were there.we started to go bicycle riding on the tiny hill and big hill. After my friend changed and we went out for some Asian food. sadly the people that work there said they close at 8:00 and it was 8:30. So we ordered some noodles and rice to take out. When we got home with our food we first washed our hands filled our cups with water. I had some chicken noodles and chicken rice. After we saw a movie it was Alvin and the Chipmunks meet the wolf man. Me and my friend were really excited to see each other that day and we hope we see each other again one time. One thing I truly enjoyed this day was hanging out with my friends and having fun. I hope I do this again sometime with my friend.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Disney on Ice with Ava
It was a dark and chilly night. My mom and cooking dinner. I heard huge crash , it came from the kitchen. It was from the kitchen. I went as fast I could downstairs. I entered very slowly. It turns out that it was just a broken glass pot in the oven. My mom and dad were just cleaning up the mess when we heard a ring - ring . It was our home phone. Who could it be at this late hour I wondered. My mom told me the call was for me so I took the phone and said Hello. Hi Niyathi the caller said. Then it hit me the voice was my friend Ava's. Ava was asking If I wanted to go to Palace of Auburn Hills to see Disney on ice. I said yes but let me ask My dad and make sure I said. I went ask my dad. It was really surprising my dad only cared about where it was he also asked who I'm going with. I said my friend Ava her sister did not want to come so she has an extra ticket . My mom asked for the phone my mom wanted to make sure that it was okay for me going and if she is going to pick me up and drop me off or my mom should. When there was still almost an half an hour left my dad gave me a egg custard to eat. My mom also told me to get purse put $50 in my purse and her phone. When Ava and her mom came to pick me up they came to the door and honked the car like most people or shout like other people. When I got into the car and said good-bye my brother and my mom. Most of the trip to CVS pharmacy we were talking about horses and other cool stuff like movies. When we got to CVS me and Ava made fun of the people on the big boards with blue lipstick! We got back into the car and rode and as usual we talked about movies and other girly stuff. When we got there we missed some the show because of the food line. When we got into the stadium they already started the part where they sing under the sea song. Some of the other Disney princesses we saw were Cinderella, Belle, Brave, Rapunzel and many more. at half time we got popcorn and cotton candy and Ava's mom got some food for herself. After halftime they started Brave the really exciting part was when . The princess shoot her arrow at the arrow at the bulls-eye it went boom with firecrackers shooting out. Then we saw Belle and Rapunzel. In Belle it was really fun when the really strong guy showed his muscles when Belle was going home from the library and she pushed away the muscles . Another one of my favorite parts were when mickey and the gang were dancing with light sabers with this hip hop theme song. There was also other people dancing. Some lady dancing waved high at me. Me and were so happy that we went together we also got keep the little cup we got our slushies' in. In the car we made the crown the that came with cotton candy . I also keep the box that came with the popcorn. Me and Ava made funny jokes in the car about throwing popcorn at little birds. We also talked about Disney on Ice. Ava also told me that no one answered the phone except me I called and I was the last one to be called
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
My feet were trembling I was in Ann Arbor .It was almost my turn to speak my words .
My heart was pounding like crazy. I was going to do what I always .But there is to many people out there. This time I was going to only look at my best friend she looks at me when she is speaking her words. It was finally time I said my words about the seven sister states. The other people in Saturday school said words. Then said the other stuff and we bowed holding each others hands while everyone clapped. Me and friends sat together and smiled at each another. We also started laughing . I accidently didn't look at her and looked at the teacher and she did too. We kept on laughing until we started crying. We got our trophy awards ate popcorn with my other friend. Everyone else ate pizza because there wasn't enough popcorn for everyone else. My friends and I had so much fun at performance and we will never forget as long as we live. This was a truly extraordinary experience for all my friends and I.
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