Well where did we leave off? Oh right at the part where the body guard is confused and the manager/ girlfriend was mad. Well Freddy was both.he started to freak out because people were staking him. He told the manager they should lock the doors next time. Mean while " pause " You might not know their was a director that Freddy because he was so many movies. His names is Mr.Joe dun dun dahhhh. " UN pause back to the point". Meanwhile their was Mr.Joe in his secret lair planning his next attack on Freddy. He also thought in his mind I will get that Freddy and be famous once more. At another place Freddy and the gang started investigating out the scene to find WHO LET THE STALKER GIRLS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They found out that the main frame was hacked and opened the doors. They also found out that the girls were not real life girls they were robots that were evil. What will happen next time You will find out later Me Lyra Heart-strings writes again. heres a sneak peek of what thme and my friends look like.

left to right me, DJ Pon -3,and Octavia
left to right me, DJ Pon -3,and Octavia
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